Homeopathy At Home
Homeopathy started with Samuel Hahnemann; born April 10, 1755. Homeopathic principles began in 1790.
What does homeopathy mean?
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which uses microdoses of natural substances from animal, mineral or plants. The remedies are non-toxic and do not cause side effects. Its purpose is to stimulate a natural healing response.
How is a homeopathic remedy made?
Potentization is the process where a homeopathic remedy is made; dissolution in alcochol or trituration in milk sugar of the primary substance; then successive dilutions and successions to produce a release of energy and thereby a homeopathic remedy.
Acute Remedies for the Home
1. Chamomilla - teething pain
2. Arnica - for any trauma; soreness, brusing and pain
3. Aconite - anxiety; paralyzing apprehension
4. Belladonna - radiantly hot fever, red face, stomach ache
5. Nux Vomica - stomach ache; headache from over indulgence
6. Gelsemium - flu;anxiety with diarrhea
7. Hypericum - nerve pain or trauma
8. Rhus Tox - poison ivy
9. Anacardium - itching from poison ivy
10. Calendula - wound healing
How do remedies come?
1. liquid
2. pills
3. globules
How do you take a remedy?
The remedy should be put into a "clean mouth". It is better to take the dose 30 minutes before or after eating, drinking, smoking, brushing the teeth or using mouthwash. There is no need to wash the dose down with water because absorbtion takes place in the mouth . Let the dry dose melt under the tongue.
What strength do you take?
Take the lowest potency the fewest number of times to get the desired result.
Dr. Zunka is a Board Certified Dental Homeopath. He is the Secretary of the National Board of Homeopathy in Dentistry and has taught basic courses in Homeopathy for 27 years.