Non-Surgical Perio Products



       Active ingredient -  Doxycycline hyclate 10%       Advantages:  Clinically proven to acheive gain in clinical attachment levels, Reduce pocket depths, reduce bleeding on probing and red complex bacteria.
      Disadvantages:  Contraindicated or tetracycline allergic patients, pregnant women or patients in tooth development stages should avoid.


        Active ingredient - Minocycline 1 mgAdvantages: Localized delivering of a antibiotic powder for pocket reduction, no mixing, operator friendly, fast application.
        Disadvantages: Patients with tetracycline sensitivity, pregnant, or in tooth development stages should Avoid.


       Generic for Flagyl  (Rx available at all pharmacies)

   Oral Microbiology Testing

       (1-800-788-OMTS) Can send culture out to be tested.




        Advantages: Closes dental tubules to decrease tooth sensitivity.



        To be used in the Viajet irrigator.

   Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Ascorbate - (Vitamin C)

       Active ingredient - Vitamin C (crystalline form) 1 tsp = 4000 mg. 1 tsp. to 1 cup of warm water.
       Advantages: Reduces bleeding, increases primary healing rate by 40%, Anti-oxidant, which destroys free radicals. Significant statistical relationship found if patient was a smoker and received more than the RDA for Vitamin C.
       Disadvantages: Ascorbic acid has a sour taste. Na Ascorbate has a salty taste.

   Chlorhexidine 5% (Rx Only)     

       Advantages: Highly antimicrobial, inexpensive, concentrated. Available through any pharmacy.
       Disadvantages: Harsh on tissues, Stains teeth.

   Nutribiotic Maximum GSE - Grapefruit seed extract

       Active ingredient: Grapefruit extract - A natural quaternary compound.
       Advantages: Broad-spectrum bactericide fungicide, antiviral compound, environmentally safe, 10x more effective than silver oxide, chlorine bleach or iodine. Toothpaste available.
       Disadvantages: Stains teeth where poor plaque removal is present.


        Active ingredient: Phytoplenolin and combination of essential oils with Co-Q10 and folic acid.
       Advantages: All natural solution, vegetarian formula of soothing organic and wild-crafted herbs and essential oils.


       Active ingredient: 0.10% capryl/capramidopropyl betaine,0.4% Ethoxylated tertiary amine
       Advantages: Clinical studies have demonstrated anti-microbial and anti-fungal effects, along with excellent substantivity. Excellent clinical results, pleasant taste. Effective 8 hours, fl2 free, rinse or concentrate.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores.

   Under the Gum 

       Active ingredient: Combination of essential oils and Echinacea.
       Advantages: Substantive, studies indicate anti-microbial properties, pleasant taste, economical, natural product bottled in a concentrate form. Toothpaste, mouthwash tonic and & spritzer available.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores.




       Tincture Homeopathic remedy. Can be applied topically after perio scaling or added to office irrigation solution.
       Advantages: Great aid in decreasing post-operatory soreness.

   Calendula (Aqueous) 

       Homeopathic remedy. Can be applied topically after perio scaling or added to office irrigation solution.
       Advantages: Promotes gingival healing.

   Colloidal Silver 

       1:4 H2O Can be used topically or as an irrigation solution.
       Advantages: Bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal. Useful as alternative for allergy sensitive patients.
       Disadvantages: Expensive. Not intended for long term use.

   Natural Dentist - Herbal Mouth & Gum Therapy

      Advantages: Antimicrobial Activity equal to Peridex, No tooth staining or taste impairment, sodium lauryl sulfate free-canker relief. Alcohol free, toothpaste and mouth rinse available.
      Disadvantages: Not dilutable for use in irrigators.

   Oxyfresh - Full strength

       Active ingredient: Chlorine Dioxide.
       Advantages: Prevents breakdown of periodontal ligament by destroying volatile sulfur compounds, which prevents the antigens from stimulating the inflammatory reaction. Pleasant taste. Also available as a toothpaste.
        Disadvantages: Moderate price. Not dilutable - Available in gallon size.

   Perioscript Rinse 

       Active ingredient: Phytoplenolin and combination of essential oils with Co-Q10 and folic acid.
       Advantages: All natural solution, vegetarian formula of soothing organic and wild-crafted herbs and essential oils.


       Active ingredient: 0.10% capryl/capramidopropyl betaine,0.4% Ethoxylated tertiary amine.
       Advantages: Clinical studies have demonstrated anti-microbial and anti-fungal effects, along with excellent substantivity. Excellent clinical results, pleasant taste. Effective 8 hours, fl2 free, toothpaste, rinse or     concentrate.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores.

   Tooth and Gum Tonic 

       Active ingredient - Combination of essential oils and Echinacea.
       Advantages: Long duration of activity, studies indicate anti-microbial properties, pleasant taste, economical, natural product bottled in a concentrated form.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores


   Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, Baking Soda 

       Used as a toothpaste mixture.
       Advantages: Hypertonic, oxygenates, anti-bacterial, very inexpensive and alkaline.
       Disadvantages: Salty taste and not pre-packaged.

   Natural Dentist 

       Active Ingredient - Grape fruit seed extract.
       Advantages: Clinically proven to protect and soothe gums, no alcohol, artificial sweeteners, dyes or preservatives. Available in stores.
       Disadvantages: None

Nutribiotic Dental Gel

       Active Ingredient:  Grapeseed Extract
       Advantages: Contains healing aloe vera, tissue strengthening vitamin C, teeth whitening & alkalator baking soda, bone building boron and calcium, antioxidant vitamin E and broad spectrum bactencide fungicide. Grapefruit seed extract with essential oils & stevia.

   Perioscript Paste

       Active Ingredient - Lysine, essential oil blends and patented extract of phytoplenolin.
       Advantages: Used regularly this vegetarian low abrasive paste naturally cleans and leaves breath fresh for hours.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores.

   Tooth & Gum Paste 

       Active Ingredient - A number of essential oils & green tea extract.
       Advantages: No sodium lauryl sulfate or artificial sweeteners.
       Disadvantages: Not available in stores.
